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The logistic center of exotik is located close to the city of Valencia, Spain. However, exotik offers its services at a national level thanks to the “exotik Mobile Team”, a new concept developed by our agency. The “Mobile Team” allows a potential client to contact and request our services without having to come to us… as we go to them!

If you need an idea, we will find it!

If you have a problem, we can help you solve it!

If you have any questions, just contact us by phone:

+(34) 665.59.44.59

+(34) 663.79.55.61

(Monday to Friday from 10:00 - 14:00 and 16:00 - 21:30)

All those who would like to apply for our Data Base and work with our team please send your curriculum vitae and minimum 6 recent photos (body and face) to

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