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The present document is a legal notice of compulsory reading that regulates the conditions of use that have to be observed and implemented by the users of this web site. We advise you to read it carefully since accessing this document and this website implies that you have read and accepted without any doubt the following conditions of use:

exotik is a registered trade mark, no. 2842.487:

The name and brands used in this web site “” that identify exotik´s products and services are registered trade marks. Other logos, names, brands, trade marks that appear in this web site can be property of our clients and/or affiliated and non-affiliated entities to our site.

The user commits to make reasonable use of this web site and of the services accessible by it, and not to use the information provided in its pages to perform illegal or immoral activities, or actions against the good going on of society, and, generally having a conduct in accordance with the present legal notice and conditions of use of this web site.

exotik can temporarily or definitely interrupt, the way it finds suitable, the access to this website and also the presentation of any or all of the services that are being offered through it, at any given time and without prior notice.

It is forbidden to reproduce, except for personal use, to offer to the public and generally any type of exploitation of all or any content available in this website, and also of its design.

Legal notice changes: exotik can make changes in its Legal Notice, at any given time. It can introduce new regulations and conditions of use, or it can eliminate all or any of the existing ones, the new regulations being implemented from the day they are made available to the public.

PRIVACY POLICY: In accordance with “Ley Organica 15/1999” of 13 of December, about how we use and protect your personal information, we inform you that your personal information collected throughout our online Form or directly through email or telephone or any other possibility, will be saved in an “Automated File” of exotik Agency, the user hereby agrees to this privacy policy and the terms stipulated within.

exotik hereby declares that the personal information provided will not be revealed to others in commercial purposes, and neither will it use the information on it’s own benefit to promote products and services not related to the purpose the information has been collected. The information provided serves exclusively as contact information, with the final purpose to be able to contact with the client in the case of buying or booking the services we offer.

exotik guarantees the right to access, change, delete or oppose in writing at

* exotik offers a new concept of services. We are an online agency with an extended work area, both national and international level. Amongst our services: event and party planning, selecting the best services present in the actual market and selection, contact and management of the required artistic staff.

* Before contacting with us it is necessary that every user reads and accepts the exotik Terms.

March 17th 2009

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